AFFILIATES: Add this yellow 404 error page to YOUR site and get paid up to 29 times per customer
1. Add your 404 cash affiliate link
2. Do this for all your sales pages
3. You get paid on a 29+ product email funnel
4. The live streams promote limited time offers, so I do the work and you get the commissions
Below is the page you'll be adding to your site
Page NOT found! It must have moved. Well, while you're hear, check out the FREE daily marketing live streams my friend Marlon Sanders is offering. I LOVE them!
Join me for daily live streams to help you get sales and build your list
Sample topics
> How Ben H. made $90,000 a month from a free book? (case study)
> How do you suck leads off of Linked In and Twitter (what's the secret?)
> How to write a winning headline using the 4 U's
> My actual social media, Linked In, FB group, Twitter and Youtube stats after 1 week of seed sowing.
> How to approach affiliates and JV's.
> Let's see where you're weakest at so you can get a fast BOOST in response and results.
> Cast your bread upon the waters: PROOF IT WORKS
> The amazing secret of "front door" offers
> How many front doors do yo need?
> The Project- Pull - Promote Formula For Making Sales
> Set your money plan for the week
> 3 steps to quintiple the number of people you reach
> How to get 20 to 100 on your list on demand
> The real difference maker no one gets
> A simple system to create offers that sell big